Dr. Niels Lemmermann
Research Group Leader Molecular Biology/Biochemistry
Institute for Virology, University Medical Center of the JGU
Obere Zahlbacher Straße 67, 55131 Mainz
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Research Interests
Our group tries to elucidate molecular aspects of the CD8 T cell response against mCMV. Which cell induces CD8 T cell priming? How mCMV modulates the CD8 T cell response? How could mCMV maintain viral latency in face of strong CD8 T cell reponse?
Key techniques: BAC mutagenesis, qPCR, ELIspot, ELISA, FACS, adoptive T cell transfer, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Research system/organism: Murine Cytomegalovirus (mCMV)
Five Most Relevant Publications
- Ebert S, Becker M, Lemmermann NA, Büttner JK, Michel A, Taube C, Podlech J, Böhm V, Freitag K, Thomas D, Holtappels R, Reddehase MJ, Stassen M. Mast cells expedite control of pulmonary murine cytomegalovirus infection by enhancing the recruitment of protective CD8 T cells to the lungs. PLoS Pathog 2014
- Fink A, Renzaho A, Reddehase MJ, Lemmermann NA. The p36 isoform of murine cytomegalovirus m152 protein suffices for mediating innate and adaptive immune evasion. Viruses 2013;5:3171-3191.
- Trsan T, Busche A, Abram M, Wensveen FM, Lemmermann NA, Arapovic M, Babic M, Tomic A, Golemac M, Brinkmann MM, Jäger W, Oxenius A, Polic B, Krmpotic A, Messerle M, Jonjic S. Superior induction and maintenance of protective CD8 T cells in mice infected with mouse cytomegalovirus vector expressing RAE-1γ. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013;110:16550-16555.
- Däubner T, Fink A, Seitz A, Tenzer S, Müller J, Strand D, Seckert CK, Janssen C, Renzaho A, Grzimek NK, Simon CO, Ebert S, Reddehase MJ, Oehrlein-Karpi SA, Lemmermann NA. A novel transmembrane domain mediating retention of a highly motile herpesvirus glycoprotein in the endoplasmic reticulum. J Gen Virol. 2010; 91:1524-34.
- Lemmermann NA, Gergely K, Böhm V, Deegen P, Däubner T, Reddehase MJ. Immune evasion proteins of murine cytomegalovirus preferentially affect cell surface display of recently generated peptide presentation complexes. J Virol 2010;84:1221-1236.